
“What do you do?”

For many years, I would have answered that “I’m a filmmaker/video production person.” I’d had a good run: NYU Film School, Jim Henson, Nickelodeon, co-owning a production company. It’s who I thought I was.

But at some point I got burned out. I met with a career coach and, after many hours of what felt like intensive therapy for my job, she opened my eyes to a surprising truth.

“You’re not a filmmaker,” she said. “You’re a maker.”

She was right: as long as I’m making something—videos, scripts, schedules, strategic plans, high-performing teams, theatre sets, carpentry projects, dinner for friends—I’m at my happiest and most effective.

Actually, put “making a difference” at the top of that list. Because what I’ve learned is that making a “thing” doesn’t end with production. It has to connect with an audience and make a measurable impact in some way for me to know I’ve done my job.

Let’s make an impact together.

I’m available for freelance/contract work to help you with:

  • Ideation/creative strategizing for Branding, Marketing, content creation

  • Video writing, directing, production

  • Interactive web storytelling

  • Pitching/Executive Presentations

  • Storytelling seminars for non-writers